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Regeneration Treatments in Berlin Feel the effects of renewed strength and energy

AIVA Regeneration stands for sustainable stimulation of your body's own powers. Our focus is on preserving and strengthening your health. We use a variety of regenerative methods to protect and stimulate your vitality to slow down the aging process.

Age more slowly – make an appointment

Interval Hypoxia-Hyperoxia Training Better performance through oxygen deprivation

Modern medicine is increasingly recognising that altitude training is not only beneficial for professional athletes, but also for general health. The hypoxia triggered by the altitude simulation stimulates the oxygen supply to the organs and also has positive effects on your metabolism, the mitochondria as the power stations of the cells and the immune system. This knowledge is increasingly being applied in various areas, from rehabilitation to improving physical performance. At AIVA, people of all fitness levels can enjoy these effects without having to cope with the rigours of actually climbing a mountain. You can relax on a lounger while your body benefits from the positive effects of altitude training.

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Cryotherapy Cold therapy for regeneration and strength

At AIVA, you do not have to be a professional athlete to enjoy the benefits of cryotherapy. A regenerative treatment in a cryochamber only takes a few minutes, but its effects are remarkable. The cold stimulates the body and leads to a feeling of freshness and vitality. However, this short application also has long-lasting positive effects on your body. In addition to improving metabolism and relieving pain, it also helps to activate healing processes and strengthen the immune system. After each session, you will experience not only increased energy, but also deep relaxation and balance, which will help you recover optimally and support your health.

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) The power of revitalisation

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy at AIVA is an advanced method of regeneration. You inhale medical oxygen in a special pressurised chamber to increase the oxygen levels in your blood. This process offers a wide range of health benefits. Not only can it slow down the aging process of cells and promote cell division, but it also has a proven effect on telomeres, which are markers of biological aging. In addition, the enhanced oxygen supply can lead to increased energy, faster recovery from injuries and an overall improved sense of well-being. This helps you lead an active and fulfilling life.

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Regenerative Sports Therapy Trusting your body

In our regenerative sports therapy, we trust in the intelligence of the human body, which has excellent regeneration mechanisms. Our aim is to activate and promote these mechanisms so that you can maximise the benefits. Targeted treatments not only optimise muscle and joint function, but also stimulate collagen production, which leads to improved healing of injuries. In addition, our therapy strengthens the connective tissue, helping you gain greater stability and resilience. By focusing on your body's natural abilities, we can help you achieve your goals and improve your health and well-being at the same time.

MedX Back Therapy

The upright gait makes people what they are

The spine is crucial for a healthy, upright posture, along with a large number of muscles that straighten it. Nowadays, many people struggle with back pain, which can be caused by untrained back muscles and too much sitting.

MedX back therapy is the best solution to counteract this. The specially developed equipment specifically trains the most important muscles around the spine in order to improve posture and alleviate back pain in the long term. At AIVA, we rely on the body's natural strength, which we support with modern methods. MedX back therapy is a perfect example of this, as it awakens the strength that is already dormant within you!

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